Friday, April 29, 2011

To Me Love Is...

Love is when you hug you cant let go,
When you kiss you see fireworks,
When your hands touch you feel their feelings,
When you look into their eyes you see the sunlight,
When we  are in the same room I cant help but stand near you,
This is what love is to me

Monday, April 25, 2011

My World

Things may not seem perfect,
Thats the way the world goes,
The world spins and spins until it has met its match,
When the world stops,
When there is a light on that one person,
When you look into their eyes,
You feel like you are the world with that person in your arms,
Nothing can be compared to how beautiful love is.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Things of Life

Hope is what keeps you alive.
Faith is what keeps you believing.
Peace is what keeps the world turning.
Love is what drives your heart to do insane things.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Without You

You held my hand with feeling,
You hugged me with no pain,
You kissed me with love,
You slipped through the cracks of heaven,
You landed in my arms and never let go,
I cant live without you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Friend

You were with me by my side,
When I was sick or when I was well,
You are a friend never to let down,
When you smile I cant help but do the same,
You help me calm down when i am fustrated,
I will never do anything to hurt friend.